
Education in the secondary school aims at stimulating the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and physical faculties of children. Facts of History, Geography and Environmental Science are studied first-hand from direct sources as far as possible. The distribution of the curriculum is not isolated into branches of knowledge but an inter-disciplinary approach is adopted, thus presenting the subjects in a synthesized fashion.

In the middle school (Std V to X),teachers design the curriculum and select textbooks that offer creative educative experiences. 'Graded learning' provides experiences to the pupils relevant to their strengths, needs and interests. Pupils are prepared for observations in the external environment and taught specific techniques, experiments and other creative activities. 'Project Work' supplements the theoretical acquisition of knowledge, understanding and application in every subject area.

We offer the students the following academic Core Subjects: English, Gujarati/Hindi (anyone subject),Social Studies and the following optional subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Science),Environmental Science, Commercial Studies, Computer Applications, Mathematics, Performing Arts, Physical Education and Art to cater to their individual abilities and interest.